Monday, April 13, 2009

Pop Clinic - Girls Team

The Twin Cities’ women’s club ultimate team Pop is hosting an ULTIMATE FRISBEE
SKILLS clinic in on Saturday, April 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The clinic will combine drills to improve individual disc skills with short scrimmages. Pop
players will be on hand to provide lots of individual assistance. The Clinic is open to high
school girls’ ultimate players of all skill levels.

If you register in advance, the fee is $25 ($30 if you register at the door). The fee includes a Pop
Ultimate disc.

Participants should bring a light and dark shirt, cleats, a disc and a water bottle.

If you have questions contact Coach Christie, Coach Michelle or Jill (Clinic Organizer) at

Friday, April 3, 2009

Saturday Clinic

Reminder, there is a clinic this Saturday (April 4th) from 1pm - 4pm at the Swamp Fields. All players on the women's team and new players from the men's team are asked to participate.